Dynamic & Static Load Testing of Bridges, Case Study of Qale Morqi Bridge in Tehran [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 55-64]
Atterberg limit
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Beach sand
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Bearing Capacity
The Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soils using Geogrids under horizontal cyclic loadings [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 1-10]
Geo-environmental Behaviour of Nanoclays in Interaction with Heavy Metal Contaminants [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Laboratory Investigation on Seepage Control Measures through Alluvial Foundations [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 11-22]
Dynamic & Static Load Testing of Bridges, Case Study of Qale Morqi Bridge in Tehran [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 55-64]
Evaluation of Performance and Optimization of Composite Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 83-91]
Buffering Capacity
Geo-environmental Behaviour of Nanoclays in Interaction with Heavy Metal Contaminants [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Carpet Fibers
Damping Characteristics of Silty Sand Reinforced With Carpet Waste Strips [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 65-73]
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Cellular Automata
Fluid Flow Modeling in Single Fracture Using Cellular Automata Method [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 9-18]
Chloride attack
Natural Pozzolans Role in Permeability Reduction and Promoting the Concrete Durability Against Chloride Attack [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 45-53]
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Coastal dikes
Laboratory Investigation on Seepage Control Measures through Alluvial Foundations [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 11-22]
Compressive Strength
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Concrete Columns
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Regular and Cross Spirally Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 101-109]
Concrete Gravity Dam
Comparison of Coupled and Decoupled Modal Approaches in Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams in Time Domain [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 37-47]
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Regular and Cross Spirally Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 101-109]
Connection retrofit
Retrofitting of Moment Connection of I-Beam to Double-I built-up Column using Vertical Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Modeling of Non-elastic behavior of Carbon Nanotubes upon Continuum Mechanics [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 93-99]
Coupled modes
Comparison of Coupled and Decoupled Modal Approaches in Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams in Time Domain [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 37-47]
Cross Spirals
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Regular and Cross Spirally Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 101-109]
Cut off
Laboratory Investigation on Seepage Control Measures through Alluvial Foundations [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 11-22]
Cyclic Triaxial
Damping Characteristics of Silty Sand Reinforced With Carpet Waste Strips [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 65-73]
Cyclic triaxial tests
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Damage Plasticity Model
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
Damping Ratio
Damping Characteristics of Silty Sand Reinforced With Carpet Waste Strips [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 65-73]
Decoupled modal approach
Comparison of Coupled and Decoupled Modal Approaches in Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams in Time Domain [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 37-47]
Design Spectra
Determination of Uniform Hazard Spectra With Respect to the Near Field Effects for Tehran Region [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-54]
Double I-section
Retrofitting of Moment Connection of I-Beam to Double-I built-up Column using Vertical Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Drop-weight test
Statistical assessment of impact resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 73-83]
Dual System
Evaluation of Tall Steel Structures with Dual System (SMRF&RC Shear Wall) in Near-Field Ground Motions by Performance Based Design Method [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 85-94]
Ductile System
Numerical Investigation of Seismic Response of Steel Structures Including Shear Panel [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 103-113]
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Regular and Cross Spirally Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 101-109]
Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Ecentrice Braced Frames [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-9]
Dynamic analysis
Dynamic Analysis of Gravity Dams by Employing Efficient Fluid Hyper-Element [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 31-40]
Dynamic analysis
Comparison of Coupled and Decoupled Modal Approaches in Seismic Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams in Time Domain [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 37-47]
Dynamic push-over analysis
Dynamic Push-Over Analysis of Fixed Offshore Platforms Under Metocean Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 111-121]
Eccentric Loading
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Strength and Ductility of Regular and Cross Spirally Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns under Eccentric Loading [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 101-109]
Efficient fluid hyper-element
Dynamic Analysis of Gravity Dams by Employing Efficient Fluid Hyper-Element [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 31-40]
Modeling of Non-elastic behavior of Carbon Nanotubes upon Continuum Mechanics [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 93-99]
Electrical resistance
Natural Pozzolans Role in Permeability Reduction and Promoting the Concrete Durability Against Chloride Attack [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 45-53]
Soil Improvement by Electrokinetic Injection [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 95-102]
Elevated Temperatures
Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Pumice at Elevated Temperatures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 69-74]
Equivalent Linear Analysis
An Investigation of Local Site Effects on Strong Ground Motions in Abbas-Abad (Tehran Mosalla) Region [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 19-28]
Numerical Simulation Scouring in Cohesive Bed around Circular Piers using Finite Volume Solution of Horizontal Turbulent Flow [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-72]
Fine-Grained Soils
Secondary Compression Characteristics of Northern Parts of Iran Soils Based on (ca/cc) Concept [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 59-68]
Finite element analysis
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
Flow around Piers
Numerical Simulation Scouring in Cohesive Bed around Circular Piers using Finite Volume Solution of Horizontal Turbulent Flow [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-72]
Fluid flow
Fluid Flow Modeling in Single Fracture Using Cellular Automata Method [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 9-18]
Fluid flow simulation
Evaluation of Non-linear Fluid Flow Through Rough-walled Fractures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 21-28]
Forchheimer law
Evaluation of Non-linear Fluid Flow Through Rough-walled Fractures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 21-28]
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
The Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soils using Geogrids under horizontal cyclic loadings [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 1-10]
Inter-Structural Ignition Following Earthquake Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 11-20]
Gravity dams
Dynamic Analysis of Gravity Dams by Employing Efficient Fluid Hyper-Element [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 31-40]
Half-Cell potential
Natural Pozzolans Role in Permeability Reduction and Promoting the Concrete Durability Against Chloride Attack [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 45-53]
Heavy metal contaminant
Geo-environmental Behaviour of Nanoclays in Interaction with Heavy Metal Contaminants [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Hysteretic behavior
Retrofitting of Moment Connection of I-Beam to Double-I built-up Column using Vertical Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Ignition following earthquake
Inter-Structural Ignition Following Earthquake Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 11-20]
Impact Strength
Statistical assessment of impact resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 73-83]
Modeling of Non-elastic behavior of Carbon Nanotubes upon Continuum Mechanics [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 93-99]
Soil Improvement by Electrokinetic Injection [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 95-102]
Inter structural ignition
Inter-Structural Ignition Following Earthquake Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 11-20]
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
Statistical assessment of impact resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 73-83]
Laboratory Model
Laboratory Investigation on Seepage Control Measures through Alluvial Foundations [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 11-22]
Lattice Boltzmann
Fluid Flow Modeling in Single Fracture Using Cellular Automata Method [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 9-18]
Local Ground Response
An Investigation of Local Site Effects on Strong Ground Motions in Abbas-Abad (Tehran Mosalla) Region [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 19-28]
Local Site Effect
An Investigation of Local Site Effects on Strong Ground Motions in Abbas-Abad (Tehran Mosalla) Region [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 19-28]
Mass Concrete
Effect of Heat Curing in Core and Surface of Massive Concrete Structures on long term Strength of High Strength Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-57]
Mechanical Properties
Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Pumice at Elevated Temperatures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 69-74]
An Investigation of Local Site Effects on Strong Ground Motions in Abbas-Abad (Tehran Mosalla) Region [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 19-28]
Inter-Structural Ignition Following Earthquake Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 11-20]
Monte Carlo Analysis
Reliability Index in ABA Design Code [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 41-46]
Monte Carlo simulation
Inter-Structural Ignition Following Earthquake Modeling, Uncertainty Analysis using Monte Carlo Simulation [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 11-20]
Geo-environmental Behaviour of Nanoclays in Interaction with Heavy Metal Contaminants [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Modeling of Non-elastic behavior of Carbon Nanotubes upon Continuum Mechanics [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 93-99]
Natural Pozzolan
Natural Pozzolans Role in Permeability Reduction and Promoting the Concrete Durability Against Chloride Attack [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 45-53]
Near field
Determination of Uniform Hazard Spectra With Respect to the Near Field Effects for Tehran Region [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-54]
Near field
Evaluation of Tall Steel Structures with Dual System (SMRF&RC Shear Wall) in Near-Field Ground Motions by Performance Based Design Method [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 85-94]
Nonlinear Analyses
Evaluation of Tall Steel Structures with Dual System (SMRF&RC Shear Wall) in Near-Field Ground Motions by Performance Based Design Method [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 85-94]
Non-linear fluid flow
Evaluation of Non-linear Fluid Flow Through Rough-walled Fractures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 21-28]
Numerical Nonlinear Analysis
Numerical Investigation of Seismic Response of Steel Structures Including Shear Panel [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 103-113]
Overlapping Finite Volume
Numerical Simulation Scouring in Cohesive Bed around Circular Piers using Finite Volume Solution of Horizontal Turbulent Flow [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-72]
Partial safety factors
Reliability Index in ABA Design Code [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 41-46]
Performance Based Design
Evaluation of Tall Steel Structures with Dual System (SMRF&RC Shear Wall) in Near-Field Ground Motions by Performance Based Design Method [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 85-94]
Plastic fines
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Pore Pressure
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Post- buckling
Evaluation of Performance and Optimization of Composite Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 83-91]
Post Buckling Field
An Experimental Investigation of Plate Zipping Prevention in Steel Plate Shear Walls by Using the Corner Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 23-30]
Effect of Heat Curing in Core and Surface of Massive Concrete Structures on long term Strength of High Strength Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-57]
Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Pumice at Elevated Temperatures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 69-74]
Rapid Chloride Penetration test
Natural Pozzolans Role in Permeability Reduction and Promoting the Concrete Durability Against Chloride Attack [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 45-53]
Reactive Powder Concrete
Statistical assessment of impact resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 73-83]
The Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Soils using Geogrids under horizontal cyclic loadings [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 1-10]
Damping Characteristics of Silty Sand Reinforced With Carpet Waste Strips [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 65-73]
Relative Roughness
Fluid Flow Modeling in Single Fracture Using Cellular Automata Method [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 9-18]
Reliability Theory
Reliability Index in ABA Design Code [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 41-46]
Remolding time
Effect of Heat Curing in Core and Surface of Massive Concrete Structures on long term Strength of High Strength Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 49-57]
Dynamic & Static Load Testing of Bridges, Case Study of Qale Morqi Bridge in Tehran [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 55-64]
R Factor
Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Ecentrice Braced Frames [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-9]
Rock fractures
Evaluation of Non-linear Fluid Flow Through Rough-walled Fractures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 21-28]
Saturated Sands
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Secondary compression
Secondary Compression Characteristics of Northern Parts of Iran Soils Based on (ca/cc) Concept [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 59-68]
Laboratory Investigation on Seepage Control Measures through Alluvial Foundations [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 11-22]
Seismic behaviror
Investigation on Seismic Behavior of Ecentrice Braced Frames [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-9]
Seismic Retrofit
Numerical Investigation of Seismic Response of Steel Structures Including Shear Panel [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 103-113]
Self-Compacting Concrete
Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Pumice at Elevated Temperatures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 69-74]
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Shallow Water Equations
Numerical Simulation Scouring in Cohesive Bed around Circular Piers using Finite Volume Solution of Horizontal Turbulent Flow [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-72]
Shear connector
Evaluation of Performance and Optimization of Composite Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 83-91]
Shear Panel
Numerical Investigation of Seismic Response of Steel Structures Including Shear Panel [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 103-113]
Shear Wall
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
Single Fracture
Fluid Flow Modeling in Single Fracture Using Cellular Automata Method [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 9-18]
Sodium silicate
Soil Improvement by Electrokinetic Injection [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 95-102]
Soil improvement
Soil Improvement by Electrokinetic Injection [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 95-102]
Spectra Attenuation Relation
Determination of Uniform Hazard Spectra With Respect to the Near Field Effects for Tehran Region [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-54]
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Steel Fiber
Statistical assessment of impact resistance of Reactive Powder Concrete and Steel Fiber Reinforced Reactive Powder Concrete [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 73-83]
Steel Plate Shear Wall
An Experimental Investigation of Plate Zipping Prevention in Steel Plate Shear Walls by Using the Corner Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 23-30]
Steel Plate Shear Wall
Evaluation of Performance and Optimization of Composite Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 83-91]
Steel structures- moment frame- performance base design- nonlinear dynamic analysis- nonlinear static analysis
Investigation of New Seismic Rules of Steel Structures in Performance Base Design [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 37-44]
An Experimental Investigation of Plate Zipping Prevention in Steel Plate Shear Walls by Using the Corner Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 23-30]
Modeling of Non-elastic behavior of Carbon Nanotubes upon Continuum Mechanics [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 93-99]
Dynamic & Static Load Testing of Bridges, Case Study of Qale Morqi Bridge in Tehran [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 55-64]
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
Determination of Uniform Hazard Spectra With Respect to the Near Field Effects for Tehran Region [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 47-54]
Tension Stiffening
The Effect of FRP Strengthening of Boundary Elements in Slender RC Shear Wall [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-8]
Turbulent and laminar flow
Evaluation of Non-linear Fluid Flow Through Rough-walled Fractures [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 21-28]
Turbulent Model
Numerical Simulation Scouring in Cohesive Bed around Circular Piers using Finite Volume Solution of Horizontal Turbulent Flow [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 65-72]
Vertical Stiffeners
Retrofitting of Moment Connection of I-Beam to Double-I built-up Column using Vertical Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Dynamic & Static Load Testing of Bridges, Case Study of Qale Morqi Bridge in Tehran [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 55-64]
Volumetric compressibility
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Volumetric strain
The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 29-36]
Waterproof Cement
Soil Stabilization with Waterproof Cement for Road Applications [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 55-63]
Retrofitting of Moment Connection of I-Beam to Double-I built-up Column using Vertical Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 75-84]
Geo-environmental Behaviour of Nanoclays in Interaction with Heavy Metal Contaminants [Volume 42, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 29-36]
An Experimental Investigation of Plate Zipping Prevention in Steel Plate Shear Walls by Using the Corner Stiffeners [Volume 42, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 23-30]
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