The Effect of Plastic Fines on Reconsolidation Volumetric Response of Saturated Sands

Document Type : Research Article



Settlement in the saturated sands after seismic loading is one of the important phenomenons, because of induced damages after the earthquake loading. In this study, the effects of plastic fines on volumetric response were evaluated after cyclic loading in saturated sands. All of the tests were performed by cyclic triaxial tests and strain-controlled method. The results show increasing in excess pore pressure affects on volumetric response after cyclic loading even at the excess pore pressure less than its value to liquefaction. In the sand-kaolinite mixtures for excess pore pressure ratio (ru) less than 60%, the volumetric compressibility of the specimens contain 10% and 20% kaolinite is near to it’s of clean sands but their excess pore pressure value around the liquefaction are a little more than clean sands (~2% to 2.5%). At the lower excess pore pressure, the specimens contains 30% kaolinite show the volumetric strain 4 times greater then other specimens. 


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