Analysis of Taxi drivers’ behavior and Intention to violations based on the theory of planned behavior by using structural equation modeling

Document Type : Research Article



2 Imam Khomeini International University


The theory of planned behavior has been used in various studies to understand human behavior in various traffic studies, including the understanding of the risky behavior of drivers. Considering the importance of violation in the occurrence of crashes, we tried to measure the contribution of each human factor in its occurrence and analyze the existing relationships between them according to the theory of planned behavior. According to the use of this theory, a large number of independent and dependent parameters were found in the research, and structural equation modeling was used to analyze and investigate the relationships between them. Also, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used for statistical analysis of data. A strong relationship was found between the driver's Intention toward violations and the frequency of crashes. The structures examined in this theory, which included attitude subjective norms and perceived behavioral control, directly affected the driver's Intention of a violation. The greatest impact belonged to the variable of the first scenario, which included a special category of indicators. These indicators included the indicators used in the discussion of perceived behavioral control and subjective norms in the descriptive norms section, which were used simultaneously in an item titled the first scenario. In the positions after that, the attitude and second scenario were placed. The second scenario included a group of indicators that examined subjective norms in the brief norms section. Also, a significant relationship was found between the two variables of slip and error with the frequency of crashes.


Main Subjects

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