Evaluation of the comparative effect of macro polypropylene fibers and steel reinforcement bars in controlling and reducing plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete pavements

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of environment and civil engineering, amirkabir university, tehran, iran

2 Faculty of Environmental and civil engineering


Reducing the severity of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete pavements by using new materials and comparing them with traditional methods by using new analysis methods can increase the durability and improve the performance of concrete pavements. The current research examines the comparative effect of macro polypropylene fibers and reinforcement bars in controlling and reducing plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete pavements. The severity of cracking in the reference concrete mixture, steel bars mesh at intervals of 100 x 100 mm, and macro polypropylene fibers in the amount of 1.8 Kg/m3 was evaluated according to the ASTM C1579 standard method. The results indicated that both reinforcement bars and fibers significantly reduce the cracking area by up to 40% in concrete containing reinforcement and 68% in fiber-reinforced concrete. The length of the crack changes more than the average width of the crack. The cracking behavior of concrete containing steel bars mesh is similar to the cracking behavior of fiber concrete, as a result, macro polypropylene fibers may be considered as a suitable substitute for steel bars mesh. It was also seen that the effect of fibers in reducing cracking is greater than the effect of steel bar mesh.


Main Subjects

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