Evaluation of Ductility of Bearing Concrete Wall Systems with Regard to Their Boundary Element

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Bearing reinforced concrete wall system has
Bearing reinforced concrete wall system has a vast usage, due to its good performance in past earthquakes. In this paper, with the aim of evaluating bearing wall performance, nonlinear static analysis based on several assumptions drawing upon experimental research is used. To ensure the accuracy of modeling by fiber section method, the analysis results have been validated by the results of an experimental model of RC bearing wall. To evaluate the reduction factor and ductility level of bearing reinforced concrete wall systems, a vast study on several models with different stories were performed. The results indicated that, the components of the boundary element have a limit effect on the models’ ductility factor. Also, calculated reduction factors for models with increasing building height up to a height of about 50 meters, show acceptable values and at more elevations, decreasing procedure of this coefficient has increased.


Main Subjects

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