The influence of density and particles size of α-quartz and amorphous silica on flotation

Document Type : Research Article


1 M.Sc Student, Department of Mining and Metallurgical engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Mining and Metallurgical engineering Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D, Department of Mining Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


Density is one of the effective parameters in the particles flotation. For heavier particles, gravity force is more than bubble - particle cohesion force and it increase the probability of separation of particle from bubble. In this research the effect of particles density on flotation were investigated by using sample α-quartz and amorphous silica with density of 2.67 and 2.2 g/m3 respectively. The result of flotation studies showed that in the size range of -250+212µm with increasing of density the recovery of flotation decreases from 97.74% to 93.42%, whereas in the size range of -150+125µm this decrease of recovery is not noticeable. In the size range of -75+53 µm with increasing of the density recovery increased from 88.49% to 92.42%. The probability of detachment increases with an increase in particle size and density.


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