Codifying motivation authorities of value engineering studies in governmental companies and organizations (A case study in Iran for Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructure Company)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor at department of civil engineering of IUST

2 M.Sc. student at department of civil engineering of IUST

3 Assistant Professor at department of civil engineering of Babol university


Value engineering has been used for more than 50 year as a successful technique in the upstream authorities and documents of Iran. Although it has been used in the role of an effective method to improve the constructive projects and plans, value engineering has not reached its real position yet. This can be attributed to many reasons such as optimistic view of managers towards the results of a project, improper understanding of the technique, and insufficient culture and motivation among project components as well.
This study aims to codify motivation authorities of the value engineering in addition to evaluate necessities of motivating the value engineering parameters in Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructure Company (CDTICO) as one of the most important firms with many huge projects in Iran. Thereby, value engineering can enable the company and many other governmental organizations to utilize this advantageous technique more than any time before. This research has been conducted by using advices from value engineering experts through interviews and questionnaires since they were sufficiently familiar with CDTICO.


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