A Study on the Seismic Behavioral Parameters of the Composite Steel Plate Shear Wall (CSPSW) in The Building Frame System Using Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor of Structural Engineering, Dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University

2 semnan university


Due to the advancements in lateral force-resisting systems, there is a growing need to study other modern systems further. To investigate the behavior of structures from linear to nonlinear and static to dynamic, analysis and design methods such as incremental dynamic analysis offer researchers more accurate results. Given the absence of a specified behavior factor for the lateral force-resisting system of composite steel plate shear walls in Iranian standards, the primary objective of this research is to analyze the seismic coefficients and, consequently, determine the behavior factor using the incremental dynamic analysis method for the systems in question. This research initially validated a laboratory model to achieve optimal networking. Subsequently, three structural models representing short (7 stories), medium (14 stories), and tall (21 stories) buildings were designed using ETABS software. Finally, a two-dimensional frame was extracted from the mentioned structures and analyzed using Abaqus software for modal, nonlinear static, and incremental dynamic responses. The results demonstrate an increase in the overstrength factor coefficient as the height of the structure increases, rising from 4.942 to 5.213. This indicates a direct correlation between the overstrength factor and the height of the structure. Conversely, a decrease in the ductility coefficient, from 1.266 to 1.496, confirms the inverse relationship between ductility and the height of the structure. In the section on the behavior coefficient, the values of 7.396, 6.742 and 6.6 were obtained in the extreme state and 10.355, 9.438 and 9.24 in the admissible stress state respectively for short, medium and tall structure.


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