New Form of Base Column Connection in Self-Centering Braced Frames without Post-Tensioned Cable

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Golestan University , Gorgan, Iran


Conventional column bases are fundamental components of the steel frame. Their behavior has been proved to have a significant effect on the overall building seismic response. Base connections, flexibility largely affect the period of the building and the lateral displacement of the stories. In this research, a new type of connection at the steel column bases has been proposed. the main purpose of proposing this connection is to decrease residual displacement and minimize repair time and disruption of the building serviceability after a strong earthquake. Therefore, to be able to evaluate and compare the seismic performance of this connection with seismic lateral force resisting systems which have developed recently, a self-centering concentrically braced frame (SC-CBF) has been selected from Hasan’s research and analyzed and validated. Also, the performance of the system with the proposed column base is evaluated using numerical analysis. The results show that in the proposed system, the amount of residual drift in the structure is equal to 2.2×10-14%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the proposed connection satisfies the main purpose of the research well, which is to eliminate residual drifts in the system. they also have higher energy dissipation and stiffness than the SC-CBF system that has been developed so far. While the post-tensioned bars are not used.


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