Coupling effects of fiber and nano-geopolymer on improving the mechanical performance of swelling soils

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Civil Eng., College of Eng., Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran

2 2Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran


Despite the widespread use of traditional calcium-based stabilizers (such as lime) for soil stabilization, adopting such a strategy may face significant challenges. Hence, this study assessed the effects of using an innovative nano-geopolymer (SNZBG) enhanced by polypropylene fiber on improving the geo-mechanical performance and durability of highly expansive clays. The experimental results showed that the addition of low contents of lime alone may have a relatively favorable influence in controlling the swelling potential of soil; however, the improvement of mechanical parameters requires considerable amounts of additives and long curing times. It was found that harsh conditions (including frequent periods of freezing and thawing, F-T) would lead to the destruction of soil structure and eventually the deterioration of engineering properties. In contrast, the application of the proposed geopolymer could not only diminish (by nearly 4 folds) the required lime and time of curing for successful modification of soil but also significantly increase the durability of the composites. Based on the outcomes of microstructural analyses, the improved performance upon the application of SNZBG can be attributed to enhanced solidification processes and a reduction in the tendency of clay surfaces to absorb water due to the increased formation of geopolymeric nanostructures and the generation of physically clogged fabric. However, in the SNZBG system, similar to the lime’s performance, there was a dramatic reduction in strength when subjected to increasing external loading (i.e., the brittle failure pattern). It was also found that the inclusion of fibers plays a significant role in enhancing the ductility of the soil-geopolymer matrix. This can be attributed to the bridging effect and formation of a well-intertwined matrix. The combined effect of SNZBG and fibers leads to a twofold increase in the tensile capacity as well as a significant reduction (up to 60%) in the degree of damage caused by the F-T action compared to lime-treated soil samples. In general, it can be concluded that the treatment of swelling clayey soils with SNZBG/fiber is an effective approach compared to the traditional stabilization method.


Main Subjects

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