Effects of Gasoline Contamination on Geotechnical Properties of Silty Soils

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering department, Faculty of Engineering, Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran

2 Ms. student in Geotechnical engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Chemical Department, Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran.


The environment is faced with various pollution. Pollution with oil and oil derivatives such as gasoline and diesel is one of the most dangerous environmental aspects. Organic chemical materials are the basis of many industries such as fuel refining, petrochemical complexes, pesticides, and detergents. Inappropriate use of organic chemical materials can cause irreparable damage to the environment which has caused increasing concern in different countries. In addition to the harmful environmental effects such as groundwater and seawater pollution, it causes changes in the geotechnical properties of the soil, which manifests itself in cohesive soils with changes in the texture and overall structure of the soil. In this research, the laboratory investigation of the geotechnical properties of silty soil contaminated with different percentages of gasoline (5, 10, 15%) by performing the Atterberg limit tests (the liquid limit and the plastic limit), uniaxial compression strength, direct shear and compaction tests were carried out. The obtained results show that 27% decrease in the liquid limit and 48% decrease in the plastic limit with an increase in the amount of soil pollution with gasoline. Also decreasing trend is observed in the shear strength parameters of silty soil polluted with different percentages of gasoline. The results of both direct shear and uniaxial compression strength tests demonstrate decreasing in the shear strength of polluted soil with the same trend.


Main Subjects

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