Operationalizing Social Resilience for Riverine Flood Risk Management in Urban Basins

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology


The conventional approach to River Basin Flood Management (RBFM) primarily focuses on enhancing the structural integrity of drainage systems to mitigate the impacts of heavy rainfall events. However, recent floods in urban catchments have revealed the necessity for a more resilient approach that incorporates the consequences of flooding. Resilience in the context of RBFM refers to the system's ability to endure diverse precipitation events, minimize flood damage, and restore normal conditions. This research presents a framework for selecting flood management options within a hierarchical system, with a specific emphasis on social resilience indicators. The study defines resilience by examining the response and recovery behaviors of RBFM systems during varying rainfall events. To implement the framework, a set of indicators related to social response, social recovery capacity, resistance points, and warning points has been established. A hierarchical fuzzy system has been developed to quantify these indicators, accounting for uncertainties in social variables and addressing dimensional inconsistencies. Application of this approach in the Gorganrood River basin demonstrates the efficacy of selected flood risk management options in terms of resilience, as compared to conventional decision-making methods. Analyzing the response-recovery curves for different management options underscores the importance of delineating distinct resilience indicators to evaluate the behavior of RBFM systems following performance failures. The findings of this study suggest that the proposed indicators can serve as decision-making criteria for selecting management options based on the behavior of the river basin system under rainfall events with varying return periods.


Main Subjects

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