3D Continuous Micro-Model Based on Multi-laminate Concept for the Nonlinear Numerical Analysis of Masonry Panels

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


This paper presents a continuous micro model for the prediction of the behavior of a masonry structure. A model based on multi-laminate theory is developed to model the fracture in unreinforced masonry. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a constitutive model for practical applications which has few and easily measurable parameters and is capable of reproducing advanced features of the behavior of masonry brickworks such as cohesive-frictional response (strength dependence on confinement), dilatancy, and dilatancy control with confinement, anisotropy (inherent and induced which is caused by cracking formation), hardening-softening and different levels of brittle behaviors. The yield surface used in this model consists of a generalized Mohr-Coulomb yield surface together with a cut-off tensile. This can address both pre and post-peak behaviors. The capability of this model is confirmed for simulating the masonry behavior under lateral loading by comparing the numerical simulation results with experimental data in the literature.


Main Subjects

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