An Investigation of the Dilation Effect of Soil on Liquefaction-Induced Settlement

Document Type : Research Article


1 Graduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology


In this paper, the effect of the amount of dilation angle on the settlement of the structure due to the occurrence of liquefaction has been investigated. In this research, the dilation effect related to the density and confining stresses during liquefaction on structural settlement is investigated using OpenSEES. Therefore, a sand layer with different dilation angles and surface load is considered. The numerical model presented in this research calculated the excess pore water pressure based on fully coupled effective stress analysis during seismic loading. Model parameters were selected and verified using the results of VELACS centrifuge tests. The results showed that by increasing the dilation angle, the pore water pressure decreases, and the liquefaction-induced settlements decrease. The decreasing trend of settlement with increasing dilation angle tends to a constant value, so that at high densities with increasing dilation angle, little changes in the settlement were observed. Also, the dilation angle was calculated based on the pre-shear mean effective stresses and compared with the dilation angle caused by the stresses during liquefaction. The comparison shows that for relative densities less than 60%, the dilation angle obtained from pre-shear effective stress is more than the confining stress-based method during liquefaction.


Main Subjects

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