Comparison of carbonate and quartz sand shear strength parameters with triaxial and simple shear tests

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Civil engineering Imam Khomeini International University,Qazvin, Iran.

2 Department of civil engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.


Carbonate sediments are among the problematic soils in geotechnical engineering. These soils are different from quartz soils both in terms of production origin and engineering behavior. In this paper, for comparison of shear strength parameters, Bandar Abbas carbonate sand and Firoozkooh quartz sand were studied by common triaxial and simple shear tests. Experiments were performed under the same conditions of grain size, relative density and stress level. Parameters such as physical properties, shear behavior, stress path, modulus of elasticity, shear modulus, internal friction angle and dilation angle were compared. The results showed that Bandar Abbas carbonate sand had higher shear strength than quartz sand. The maximum internal friction angle ​​of carbonate sand was higher than quartz sand due to its intrinsic interlocking in both triaxial and shear tests. The dilation angle decreases with increasing stress level for both experiments. Also, the internal friction angle obtained from the triaxial test was higher than the simple shear test for about 10 to 15% due to different stresses paths and the presence of a pre-shear in the simple shear test.  Also, the presence of shear stress in simple shear tests reduces more the internal friction angle versus stress level compared to the triaxial test.


Main Subjects

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