Sediment transport modeling in circular smooth and rough rainwater transport pipes using factorial analysis, intelligence and empirical methods

Document Type : Research Article


1 Water resource engineering and management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Civil Engineering Department, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.


Sedimentation is one of the serious problems in water and urban wastewater transport pipes, which disturbs the transport of water flow. In this study, the capability of the intelligence Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) approach was investigated in predicting sediment transport in circular rainwater transport pipes with smooth and rough beds. In this regard, at first, the hydraulic and sediment parameters which had the most correlation with sediment transport were determined using factorial analysis. Then, different models were developed using these parameters and were investigated via three experimental data series. Also, the accuracy of the obtained results was compared with the traditional techniques. The results showed the high efficiency of the intelligent GPR model in the prediction of sediment transport in rainwater transport pipes compared to the empirical methods based on non-linear regression techniques. For the two-mentioned hydraulic conditions of pipes, the model with input parameters λs, Fm, Dgr, d50/y, which are relative sediment size, non-dimensional sediment size, Froude number of sediments, and total roughness coefficient, respectively, was obtained as a superior model. The factorial and omitted sensitivity analysis showed that d50/y was the most effective parameter in the estimation of sediment transport in both smooth and rough pipes.


Main Subjects

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