Investigation of Carbonate Sand Shear Behavior Based on Manzari anid Dafalias Behavioral Model

Document Type : Research Article


Imam Khomeini International University


Investigating soil characteristics and models for better design and performance of construction projects is very important. In this paper, the ability of the behavioral model of Manzari and dafaliais, which is an advanced model in the field of soil behavioral model, was evaluated to predict the shear behavior of carbonate sand with brittle seeds. Soil parameters were examined and their effects on soil behavior display were studied. By comparing strain stresses obtained from a tri-axial test and a model in loose and dense samples, it was observed that the results of the behavioral model are in good agreement with experimental results. However, by examining the volumetric strain graphs against the axial strain, the outcomes of the Manzari and dafaliais behavioral model were not sufficiently accurate in comparison with the experimental results. The main reason for this was the crushing of soil grains and its effect on soil volume variation in the Dafalias model. There is no perspective on the prediction of the volumetric strain. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned behavioral model predicts the trend of change. This behavioral model in high imbibed tensions had better results in comparison with the immensely low stresses in the study of strain volumes of samples.


Main Subjects

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