Investigation of crack propagation behavior of impact-resistant functionally graded concrete

Document Type : Research Article


1 دانشگاه جامع امام حسین (ع)/ تهران

2 School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This paper conducted research on numerical studies of fracture mechanics related to crack propagation of projectile impact-resistant functionally graded concrete consisting of plain, fiber reinforced and tough aggregate concrete layers, which are presented by modeling a three-point bending test in presence of initial notch. To consider fracture behavior in process zone, a bilinear softening model for plain and tough aggregate concrete and a trilinear softening model obtained from traction-separation relationship of cohesive zone model is used. Extended finite element method is utilized for numerical analysis. result of numerical modeling of three-point bending test have been investigated and compared using loading versus crack mouth opening displacement (P-CMOD) curves. Functionally graded model has been studied in comparison with homogeneous plain, fiber reinforced and tough aggregate concrete models, and the results showed that homogeneous fiber reinforced concrete model has a better fracture behavior than others models. The functionally graded model has not been subjected to sudden failure in comparison with plain and tough aggregate concrete models due to the fiber reinforced in end layer. Also, effect of each layer and their thickness change in the functionally graded model are evaluated and it was observed that fiber reinforced layer due to high fracture energy created by fiber bridging has a beneficial effect on the fracture behavior related to other layers. In this way, by considering proper position and thickness for this layer, in addition to providing appropriate performance in the fracture behavior, cost of materials also be significantly reduced.


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