Author = M. Parvizi
Evaluation of Grout Curtain Performance in Seepage Control from Rock Formations by 3D Analysis (A Case Study of Haigher RCC Dam)

Volume 54, Issue 8, November 2022, Pages 3119-3138


Milad Rahimpour; Masoud Rabeti Moghadam; Mansour Parvizi; Mohammad Sedghi Asl; Jafar Fazeli

Effect of Tunnel and Building Interaction on the Seismic Response of Building by Numerical Modeling

Volume 54, Issue 2, May 2022, Pages 671-694


Arash Sarvi; Masoud Rabeti Moghadam; Mansour Parvizi; Ali Alipour Mansourkhani

Study of water flow drainage in sandy soil due to surface recharge conditions using a laboratory model

Volume 53, Issue 10, January 2022, Pages 4219-4230


Mansour Parvizi; Masoud Rabeti Moghadam; Jahanpour Monfared; Mohammad Sedghi-Asl