Author = Amir Reza Mamdoohi
Time of Day Model, a Different Approach to Identify Effective Factors in Mode Choice, Evidence from Mashhad

Volume 53, Issue 11, February 2022, Pages 4599-4612


Amirreza Mamdoohi; Saeed Nasiri; MohammadHossein Abbasi

Association between route walkability measures and children’s walking to school

Volume 53, Issue 10, January 2022, Pages 4253-4278


Mehdi Barati; Mohsen Fallah Zavareh; Amir Reza Mamdoohi

A fuzzy approach for designing of subway lines, case study: development of the Tehran subway network

Volume 53, Issue 9, December 2021, Pages 3847-3866


Amir Reza Mahdavi; Amirreza Mamdoohi; Mahdieh Allahviranloo

Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicles using a Combination of UTAUT and DOI

Volume 53, Issue 8, November 2021, Pages 3423-3436


Iman Farzin; Amirreza Mamdoohi

Topology evaluation of Tehran subway network utilizing a bi-level mixed index for subway networks ranking

Volume 52, Issue 12, March 2021, Pages 3003-3014


Amir Reza Mahdavi; AmirReza Mamdoohi; Mahdieh Allahviranloo